Nuevo Firmware modificado Flow X - v4.3

Dos nuevos modos para afinar la función turbo en las clases potenciadas.

We had put a lot of effort into this new v4.3 software and we are positive that this new software is a significant step forward for us, a stepahead of the competition.

  • First of all, we have added the 2 new modes in the very convenient way.This means if you put the new modes 9 and 10 on value 0 (=off), you have the exact same settings as you had so far with the V4.1 / V4.2 software.
  • Therefore, I suggest you put the new software on your speed controller, go with mode 9 and 10 to value 0, and set all other modes tothe same values you have been using with the V4.1 / V4.2 software. This gives you a good starting point as the speed controller will feel exactly the same as you are used to.

After that you adapt the new modes to your liking.

  1. Start with the new mode 9 on value 4, between 3 to 6 you should find the sweetspot for you.
  2. After you are comfortable with mode 9, set Mode 10 (Turbo) to ON.
  3. Then go to higher values with mode 6 (timing) and ramp than you would normally run.

This wasn’t possible before but due to Mode 9 it now is.Infield will stay smooth, while power and speed is increased on the main straight.

v4.3 - TC spec - update firmware 
23.01.2019 / 289 KB / ZIP
